Cocoa pods, Venezuela. Photo: C.Lanaud ©CIRAD
Arabica coffee, Ethiopia. Photo: ©Jean-Pierre Labouisse
Yams in Benin. Photo: J-L Pham ©IRD
Rice harvest, Guinea. Photo: J-L Pham ©IRD
Maize corn. Photo: ©Brigitte Gouesnard

Plants and Man, let’s grow diversity

A poster exhibition on crops is being displayed at IRD Montpellier and can now be seen online. The posters provide information in an easy language on the origin, the production area, puzzling or little-known facts and research issues for each of the 10 crops chosen for this first series of posters.

The series of posters "Des plantes et des hommes, cultivons la diversité" is aimed at a large audience The exhibition was realized by the IRD communication unit, with the scientific and financial support of ARCAD and the AfriCrop project.

Click here to see the exhibition online.

Published: 19/05/2015