Cocoa pods, Venezuela. Photo: C.Lanaud ©CIRAD
Arabica coffee, Ethiopia. Photo: ©Jean-Pierre Labouisse
Yams in Benin. Photo: J-L Pham ©IRD
Rice harvest, Guinea. Photo: J-L Pham ©IRD
Maize corn. Photo: ©Brigitte Gouesnard

Former ARCAD trainee gets his PhD

On the 4th of November 2010 in the University of Ougadougou, Romaric Nanema successfully defended his PhD thesis on the genetic resources of the tuber crop Solenostemon rotundifolius (“fra-fra potato”) in Burkina Faso. Romaric is a former trainee of the ARCAD Agrobiodiversity training course , Montpellier 2008. More

Congratulations Romaric!

Published: 02/02/2011